
2025 Committee

We’re a welcoming, inclusive footy club here at the Bombers. This of course extends to our committee. If you’d like to help us fill a committee role and create a great place for our kids to play footy, we’d love to hear from you! Message us here.

President: David Sleishman email

Vice President – Amie Thomas-Bennie email

Vice President – Matthew Swindon email

Secretary: Marilyn Tesoriero email

Treasurer: Mike Pickett email

Football Manager: Mike Pickett/Mitchell Buchan

Canteen Manager: Vacant

Registrar: Simone Phillips/Marilyn Tesoriero email

Club Waratah Representatives: Matthew Swindon/Amie Thomas-Bennie

Auskick Coordinator: Sarah Smith email

All Abilities Coordinator: Melissa Pont email

Events Coordinator: Vacant

Umpire Coordinator: Vacant

Sponsorship Manager: Emily Blythe email

Merchandise Manager: Rohan Donovan/Lee Barkwith

Trophies Officer: Michael Larsen

Social Media Coordinators: Dave Sleishman & Joe Bennie

First Aid Officer: Mike Pickett

Tribunal Advocate: Vacant

Manager’s Coordinator : Marg Pardey

Coach’s Coordinator: Ben Barkwith/Leigh Hogan

Child Protection Officer: Stuart Millen

Website Manager: Dave Sleishman

the Bombers

Founded in 1958 and through the kind support of our families and sponsors, we continue to grow in player numbers.

Our Sponsors